The United States Supreme Court will be hearing arguments in Montgomery v Louisiana either on October 13, 2015 in Washington D.C. This case will determine the retroactive reopening of life without parole sentences for 1300 teen killers nationwide.
NOVJM President Jody Robinson and Vice-President Bobbi Jamriska will be in attendance representing the voices of our hundreds of NOVJM members in this important case.
Victims families that can attend in Washington D.C., and that can speak to the associated major national media interest in our issue, are encouraged to attend and to get in touch with NOVJM.
On this page we welcome anyone to contact us at [email protected] or call webmaster Jennifer at 312-882-4584 to post information regarding events of interest to victims families of those killed by teens. This can include parole hearings and other events that victims want support, or can include legislative events, public hearings, memorial gatherings, etc.