Daniel Marsh
Name: Daniel William Marsh
Victims: Oliver “Chip” Jennings Northup Jr., 87, and Claudia Maureen Maupin, 76
Age at time of murder: 15 & 11 months
Crime date: April 14, 2013
Crime location: Davis, California
Crimes: Burglary, home invasion, double murder, & corpse mutilation
Weapon: Hunting knife
Murder method: Stabbing–over 60 wounds on each victim
Murder motivation: Thrill, excitement, & enjoyment
Sentence: 52 years to life (but made eligible for parole after 25 years due to CA laws and may even be released upon turning 25 due to SB 1391)
Incarceration status: Incarcerated at the RJ Donovan Correctional Facility and eligible for parole in June 2037–may be released upon turning 25 due to SB 1391

Marsh invaded the home of Chip, a lawyer and WW2 veteran, and his wife Claudia. He stabbed them both to death and then disemboweled and dissected their bodies. Marsh extensively planned for the murders, wearing tape on his shoes so as to not leave footprints and wearing all black. According to the trial court, the crimes were highly sophisticated even for “the most hardened and seasoned adult criminal.” Marsh was a highly depraved and disturbed offender, with the hallmark sociopathic trait of animal cruelty deep interests in murder and gore. He murdered Chip and Claudia purely for fun. He later described the murders as giving him the most enjoyable feeling he had ever experienced, which was heightened when the victims were conscious and resisting. Marsh planned additional murders as well. He was tried as an adult and his adult sentence was upheld at a later hearing. Senate Bill 1391, which prohibits 14 and 15-year-olds from being tried as adults, was upheld by the California Supreme Court, meaning that Marsh may be released upon turning 25. Marsh’s 25th birthday is on May 14, 2022.
The murders of Claudia and Chip have retained a high profile status due to their shocking and horrifying nature. They have impacted the policy discussion surrounding juvenile offender sentencing. NOVJM asks that the rights of victims and the safety of the public be considered during any discussions regarding the sentences of teens who kill.