Age at time of crime: 13
Victim: Viloude Linsey Louis
Location: Terrytown
Date: June 16, 2013
Method: Beating
Conviction: Guilty plea to negligent homicide
Sentence: Three years in juvenile detention

Desvalloons killed his younger sister while performing WWE wrestling moves on her. He was sentenced as a juvenile to three years in detention.
La. boy, 13, sentenced to 3 years for killing sister, 5, with pro wrestling moves
Armstrong Desvallons faced a maximum of five years in juvenile detention after admitting he performed moves from WWE wrestlers like John Cena and Mark Henry on Viloude Louis in June at their Terrytown home.
Viloude suffered broken ribs, internal bleeding and liver lacerations. Her mother had asked the child’s half-brother to look after her before he performed the moves.
A 13-year-old boy will spend the next three years in juvenile detention after he killed his 5-year-old half-sister by dropping WWE moves like the “John Cena Slam” on the little girl this summer.
Armstrong Desvallons admitted he threw his body and elbow into Viloude Louis’ chest about 20 times in June, using moves he’d seen pro wrestlers Cena and Mark Henry perform on the popular program.
Henry weighs more than 400 pounds and Cena 250 when they perform their scripted fights on national television.
Louis suffered broken ribs, internal bleeding and liver lacerations from the brutal bashing at their Terrytown, La., home. Their mother had left the teen to look after his sister, but instead he used her as a prop in his too-real re-enactment.
Desvallons pleaded guilty last month to negligent homicide, The Times-Picayune reported, and was sentenced Tuesday to three years in the facility, where he is to receive treatment for grief, trauma and anger.
Vilger Louis talks about his daughter, Viloude. Louis said he did not want Desvallons, who could have gotten probation, in his home again because he was disrespectful and likely to commit another crime.
Members of Desvallons’ church pushed for probation, saying they’d take in the teen if he was let loose. But Vilger Louis, the little girl’s father, testified in juvenile court that he didn’t want his stepson in his home again because he is disrespectful and likely to commit another crime, The Times-Picayune reported.
“It’s almost as if I’m dealing with two different children here,” Judge Andrea Price Janzen said when explaining how she settled on three-year sentence as the boy faced a maximum of five years or a minimum of probation.
World Wrestling Entertainment said in a statement that the injuries were a result of the boy’s intent – not specifically the moves he saw on TV.
“The death of Viloude Louis is a tragedy and we express our condolences,” a spokesman said in a statement. “WWE supports Judge Janzen’s summation that the 13-year-old boy absolutely knew that he was hurting his 5-year-old little sister. Therefore, it is illogical to conclude that the brutal and ultimately fatal beating of a 5-year-old little girl by a teenager could be confused with imitation of WWE moves seen on TV.”
Desvallons could get out earlier if he progresses well, the judge said.
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Terrytown teen who killed half sister with wrestling moves sentenced to three years in juvenile jail
For killing his half sister while practicing World Wrestling Entertainment moves, 13-year-old Armstrong Desvallons of Terrytown was sentenced Tuesday to three years in a secured juvenile facility. Judge Andrea Price Janzen handed down the punishment at Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court just before noon, telling Desvallons he could be released sooner depending on his progress.
Armstrong had admitted he killed Viloude Louis, 5, with the “John Cena Slam” and the “Mark Henry Slam,” named for the wrestlers he emulated, when he threw his body or elbow into the petite girl’s torso 15 to 20 times at the family’s apartment on June 16. He pleaded guilty in November to negligent homicide, reduced from a manslaughter charge, and faced a sentence ranging from probation to five years in a juvenile detention center.
Janzen recommended the facility in Bridge City, but she noted she does not have the authority to send him there. She also ordered the Office of Juvenile Justice to ensure he receives an education and therapy for grief, trauma and anger.
She announced her decision after hearing testimony from members of the Marrero Seventh-Day Adventist Church, where Armstrong and his family worshiped. Three church members offered to care for the teenager if he was released into a probation program, because Viloude’s father, Vilger Louis, said he did not want Armstrong in his home again.
Janzen called it “baffling” how church members described Armstrong in glowing terms while Louis, his stepfather, characterized him as a disrespectful kid who would likely repeat the crime if released.
“It’s almost as if I’m dealing with two different children here,” Janzen said in explaining the punishment.
The Office of Juvenile Justice recommended that Armstrong be placed into “secured care,” or a juvenile prison. Vilger Louis wanted the same. Armstrong’s mother, Allourdes Desvallons, told Janzen that Viloude was “very special” to her and she appeared to resign her son’s fate to the judge.
“What he did, it’s like he ended my life,” Desvallons told Janzen through a Creole Haitian-speaking interpreter. “What the judge would decide, I would comply.”