Alex Barayni
Victims: Kim Wilson, 20, Julia Wilson, 17, Bill Wilson, 52, & Rose Wilson, 46
Age at time of murders: 17
Crime location: Bellevue
Crime date: January 3-4, 1997
Partner in crime: David Anderson, 18
Crimes: Mass murder & thrill-killing
Murder method: Strangling, stabbing, and bludgeoning
Murder motivation: Thrill
Sentence: Life without parole (LWOP) later reduced
Incarceration status: Incarcerated at the Clallam Bay Corrections Center (#788490)

Baranyi lured Kim to a park and strangled her to death. He realized that she may have told her parents that she was going to meet him. Baranyi then decided to murder them as well. He did just that. He went to their house and murdered them and their 17-year-old daughter Julia. He later told detectives that he committed the murders as an “opportunity to experience something truly phenomenal.”
Dolphy Jordan & Lamonte Clayborne
Victim: Ange May Reed, 41
Murderers: Dolphy Jordan, 16, Lamonte Clayborne, 15, & another 15-year-old
Crime date: July 28, 1989
Crime location: Seattle, Washington
Weapon: Kitchen knife & stick
Murder method: Stabbing the face and throat
Murder motivation: Clayborne’s hatred for his mother
Convictions: Jordan-guilty plea to first-degree murder
Sentences: Jordan was sentenced to 27 years while the other assailants were tried as juveniles
Incarceration status: Released
Claybourne disliked his mother and wanted to kill her. His friend Jordan did just that. He attacked Ange in the hallway of her apartment after she got out of the shower. Jordan first hit Ange in the head with a stick and then proceeded to stab her repeatedly in the face and throat.
Jordan was released from prison after almost 22 years. He is now an activist with the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth (CFSY). The other offenders were tried as juveniles.
Jeremiah Bourgeois
Victim: Tecle Ghebremichale, 41
Age at time of murder: 14
Crime location: Seattle
Crime date: May 19, 1992
Crimes: Murder, attempted murder, & witness retaliation
Weapon: Gun
Murder method: Gunshot
Murder motivation: Retaliation for testifying against his brother
Sentence: Life without parole (LWOP) later reduced to 25 years to life
Incarceration status: Released
This story started several months before the actual murder when Bourgeois’s 16-year-old brother entered Tecle’s store and shot and wounded him and another co-owner. Tecle, who was from Eritrea and who co-owned the store, testified against his attacker in an assault trial in juvenile court. Bourgeois decided to retaliate against Tecle for testifying against his brother. He invaded the store and shot Tecle, along with co-owner Efram Isak. Efram survived. Tecle did not.
Bourgeois was sentenced to LWOP but later had his sentence reduced to 25 years to life. He has become an activist.