Name: Thomas “T. J.” Lane III
Murder victims: Demetrius Hewlin, 16; Russell King, Jr, 17; and Daniel Parmertor, 16
Other victims: Joy Rickers, 18; Nate Mueller, 16; and Nick Walczak, 17 (paralyzed)
Age at time of murder: 17
Crime date: February 27, 2012
Crime location: Chardon, Ohio
Crimes: Mass shooting, triple murder, attempted murder, & felonious assault
Weapon: .22-caliber semiautomatic Ruger handgun
Murder method: Gunshots
Convictions: Guilty pleas to aggravated murder, attempted aggravated murder, felonious assault, & assault
Sentence: Life without parole (LWOP)
Incarceration status: Incarcerated at the Warren Correctional Institution

Lane committed an infamous mass shooting at Chardon High School. He shot six students, killing three. He plead guilty and was sentenced to LWOP. Lane has shown no remorse, wearing a shirt reading “KILLER” to his sentencing hearing. The victims were all teenage high school students.

State v. Lane, 2014-Ohio-2010
{¶8} In support of the factual basis for the guilty plea, the state offered: (1) the
video recording of appellant’s crimes, (2) the dash cam video of his apprehension by Geauga County Sheriff’s Deputy Jon Bilicic, and (3) the video of appellant’s confession given to detectives at the Geauga County Safety Center.{¶9} The video taken from a security camera in the school cafeteria shows that
on February 27, 2012, at about 7:30 a.m., appellant is sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria with his book bag on the table. He watches a group of eight to nine students who are talking to each other at a nearby table. Appellant then moves to a table directly behind this group of students and continues to watch them. One of these students, Nick Walczak, is standing at the end of the table and the others are seated, some with their backs to appellant and others facing in his direction.{¶10} After watching these students for about eight minutes, appellant goes
through his book bag. He pulls out a handgun and a knife, stands, aims his gun at the group of students in front of him, and starts shooting. Appellant shoots Russell King in the back of the head. He also shoots Nick Walczak who falls to the floor. Appellant then walks around his table and along the victims’ table while repeatedly shooting at them. He shoots Demetrius Hewlin in the head and also shoots Daniel Parmertor in the head. Two other students, Nate Mueller and Joy Rickers, are also shot. Everyone in the cafeteria runs out. Appellant also runs out of the cafeteria with his gun and knife.{¶11} The video taken by a security camera in the adjoining hallway shows a
large group of students running frantically from the cafeteria and down the hallway. While Nick Walczak is limping down the hallway, appellant runs up to him from behind and shoots him again, this time in the back of his neck at close range. While appellant is running up to Nick, one can see across the chest of appellant’s long-sleeve, pullover shirt in large bold letters the word, “Killer.” Nick falls to the floor and appellant runs away from him.{¶12} Meanwhile, Deputy Bilicic, while on routine patrol, was advised of the
shooting and given a description of the suspect. The deputy was told that the suspect had fled the high school. At about 8:30 a.m., Deputy Bilicic was dispatched to Woodin Road, about one mile from the school, and advised the suspect was at that location. When Deputy Bilicic approached the area, he saw appellant sitting on the side of the road with his handgun and knife near him. After Deputy Bilicic advised appellant of his Miranda rights, he said he just shot people at the high school.{¶13} Deputy Bilicic drove appellant to the Geauga County Safety Center where
he was interviewed by two Geauga County Sheriff’s detectives. After again being advised of his Miranda rights, appellant said that at about 7:00 that morning, he rode the school bus to Chardon High School. He went in the school with a .22-caliber, semiautomatic Ruger handgun and a knife he had put in his book bag. He said he brought the gun because he planned to shoot people. He brought the knife in case he needed another weapon while reloading his gun. He said he went in and out of the bathroom three times because he wanted to shoot students and was thinking about doing it. He said that when he left the bathroom for the last time, he sat alone at a table directly behind a group of students he was going to shoot so he would be close to them.{¶14} Appellant said that at about 7:30 a.m., he switched the safety off on the
gun. He then pulled his pistol and knife out of his book bag. He stood up and, while aiming at the group, fired all ten rounds in the clip. He realized he needed to reload his gun so he ran out of the cafeteria. Appellant said that as he left the cafeteria, an adult cafeteria monitor started following him so appellant spun around and aimed his gun at him so he would not chase him. Appellant then ran down the hallway and exited the building.{¶15} Appellant said that after he ran out of the school, he dropped the empty
clip out of the gun and loaded it with a second clip. He ran into the woods until he reached a road. He sat down on the side of the road until Deputy Bilicic approached him.{¶16} Appellant said he did not know why he did this. He said he does not have
problems with anyone and was not upset with anyone. He said that no one had bullied him. This was just something he chose to do. He said that by doing this he was trying to accomplish something. He said he created this goal and he needed to see it through. He said he had been thinking about doing this for about two weeks.{¶17} Appellant said he stole the gun the day before the shooting from his uncle
while he was visiting him. He also stole a second magazine and a handful of bullets that were stored with the gun. When he stole the gun it was empty. The night before the shooting, he loaded both magazines and put one of them in the gun. He put the gun in his book bag that morning because he felt he would probably shoot people.{¶18} Appellant said he did not choose any particular people to shoot. Rather,
he said he shot at a random group of people. He said that, while he had seen these students before, he did not know them. He said he aimed at their heads so they would die quicker and not suffer.
By Ben Brumfield CNN
With ‘killer’ on his shirt, school shooter sentenced to life
Ohio teen killed 3 students last year

(CNN) —Ohio school shooter T.J. Lane should spend the rest of his life in prison in the deaths of three students last year, a judge ruled Tuesday.
Wearing a white T-shirt with the word “killer” written on it, Lane declined to allow his attorneys to present evidence on his behalf at the sentencing hearing before Geauga County Common Pleas Judge David L. Fuhry.
Lane pleaded guilty last month to three counts of aggravated murder, two counts of attempted aggravated murder and weapons-related charges in the February 27, 2012, shooting at Chardon High School in northeastern Ohio.
Prosecutors agreed to drop the possibility of the death penalty in exchange for his guilty plea.
He was known by many around Chardon High, 30 miles east of Cleveland. But at the time of the shooting, he was there to be transported to Lake Academy Alternative School in nearby Willoughby.
Lake Academy describes itself as a school for “at-risk” students who are “reluctant learners” struggling with problems such as substance abuse and mental health issues.
After the shooting, an assistant football coach chased Lane out of Chardon High, and police arrested him nearby a short time later.
It was too late for Daniel Parmertor, 16, who died in the shooting.
Demetrius Hewlin, also 16, died a day later from his wounds.
And Russell King Jr., 17, who was initially declared brain dead, passed away soon after.
State v. Lane, 2014-Ohio-2010
{¶30} The case proceeded to sentencing on March 19, 2013. After taking his
seat at the defense table, appellant took off his dress shirt, revealing an undershirt with the word “Killer” written on it similar to the shirt he wore on February 27, 2012. Appellant’s counsel told the court that appellant is now 18 years old, and had instructed him not to present any mitigation on his behalf. Instead, he said appellant wanted to make a statement on his own behalf. Counsel said that he had urged him not to make the statement he expected appellant to make, but that he has the right to make it.{¶31} Appellant told the court he voluntarily and against the advice of his
counsel waived his right to present information in mitigation of punishment. Appellant then turned around and, with his middle finger raised toward the victims’ families, said to them: “This hand that pulled the trigger, that killed your sons, now masturbates to the memory. F_ _ _ all of you.”{¶32} Phyllis Ferguson, Demetrius Hewlin’s mother, stated that appellant’s
murder of her son has devastated the lives of every member of their family. She spoke of how kind and unselfish Demetrius was. Ms. Ferguson said that whenever her back hurt, Demetrius would put her shoes on and tie them for her. She said that appellant stole her son’s life and he should never be allowed to do this to anyone again.{¶34} Crystal King, Russell King’s older sister, told the court that the murder of
her brother has been the most difficult thing she has ever had to endure. She said she was driving to work on February 27, 2012, when her fiancé called her and said there had been a shooting at the high school. She called Russell’s cell phone over and over, but there was no answer. She called her father. When he answered, he could hardly breathe. She asked if he had heard anything, and he said, “he’s been shot.” Her parents picked her up from work and drove her to the hospital. The doctor said it was very bad. He said Russell had been shot in the head and was in surgery and if he made it, he would be disabled. They went in the waiting room, which was filled with so many people, the hospital staff moved them to a conference room. She said she does not remember seeing any faces, just a sea of friends and family members that filled the entire hallway. Realizing that all these people were there for her brother brought tears
to her eyes. She then returned to Russell’s room. As she walked in, her mother was yelling, “no, no, no,” over and over again. Crystal learned that Russell had just passed away. She said that appellant took not only the life of her only sibling and her parents’ only son, he also took the sense of safety from every parent in the community who sends their children to school. She said that appellant took so much away from so many people, he deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison without parole. Like Holly Walczak, Crystal said that Russell and appellant used to be friends, again contradicting appellant’s statement to police that he did not know his victims.{¶35} Finally, Dina Parmertor, Daniel Parmertor’s mother, told the court that
appellant murdered her son Danny who was just 16 years old. She said she will suffer the rest of her life without her son. She is in pain every minute of every day. She no longer wants to enjoy life or visit with family and friends. She will never be the same because of appellant. She said that appellant has stolen her life. She said he also stole Danny from his little brother and sister. Her younger children do not see the mother they used to know because she is in constant anguish. They want to help her, but they are in too much pain themselves. She said she sees no remorse from appellant.
Chardon school shooter T.J. Lane’s conviction is upheld by appeals court; judges say life sentence was just
In appellate court unanimously upheld the sentence of convicted school killer T.J. Lane and stressed that it was just punishment for what he did.
In an opinion handed down Monday, the 11th District Court of Appeals of Ohio ruled that Geauga County Common Pleas Judge James Fuhry properly sentenced Lane and took into account his age at the time of the shooting at Chardon High School in February 2012.
“Further, we cannot say (Lane’s) sentence of life in prison without parole is so disproportionate to the crimes he committed as to shock the community’s sense of justice,” the decision says.
“Although (Lane’s) sentence is severe, it is not disproportionately so. He shot six students in school, three of whom were killed and another paralyzed without provocation and in cold blood. The horrific and senseless nature of this homicide is compounded by the fact that, at sentencing, (Lane) showed no remorse and even contempt for his victims and their families.’’
State v. Lane, 2014-Ohio-2010
When upholding Lane’s sentence the Eleventh District Court of Appeals wrote the following.
{¶101} First, the trial court considered appellant’s age and level of maturity. The
court noted he was 17 and one-half years old at the time of his crimes. He was an intelligent student planning to graduate early and to attend college. He considered himself to be mature for his age. He suffered no mental or cognitive impairment. He was not insane, incompetent, or impaired at any relevant time. The court noted that, while there were and are no mental impairment issues, appellant feigned symptoms of mental illness when interacting with Dr. Resnick and the jail staff. The court noted that appellant knew what he did was wrong. This is why he hid his weapons in his book bag; fled from the school after the shooting; and acknowledged his wrongdoing soon after he was apprehended.…
{¶103} Third, the trial court stated that “[m]any juvenile offenders are manipulated or pressured into committing crime by adults or peers who urge or incite the juvenile to commit crimes. They prey upon the vulnerability of an impressionable youth. * * * That didn’t occur here. These crimes were all Defendant’s, and [he] was not an impressionable youth. * * * He did this on his own.” The court noted that appellant planned, prepared for, and executed this scheme by himself. He was not manipulated or pressured by anyone into committing these crimes. He confided in no one and he had no accomplice. The court explicitly stated that it considered each of the foregoing factors in imposing sentence.
{¶104} Fourth, the court considered the circumstances of appellant’s offenses
and the extent of his participation in them. The court noted that appellant planned his attack long before the shootings and methodically carried out that plan. He stole a handgun, two magazines, and bullets from his uncle the day before the shootings. The night before, he loaded both magazines and put one in the gun. The morning before, he put the gun, the spare magazine, and a knife in his book bag, and hid them there until he took them out in the cafeteria. He intentionally dressed the part by wearing a shirt with the word “Killer” labeled across the chest. Further, appellant was relentless in his shooting. He ambushed eight unsuspecting students who were talking with each other and did nothing to provoke him. He shot six students in the cafeteria resulting in the death of three of them. While students and faculty were running out of the cafeteria
and down the hallway, appellant aimed his gun at an adult monitor who was running after him to prevent him from chasing him. While in the hallway, appellant ran up to Nick Walczak, who appellant had shot in the cafeteria, and shot him again from behind. Appellant emptied the magazine in the gun of all ten of its shells. Further, the court noted that the nature of the injuries and their impact on the victims and their families were particularly unusual and intense. All six victims were juveniles who had lives filled with potential. Those who were killed have been deprived of their lives. The survivors and their families have suffered devastating physical pain and psychological injury, and they face a future that is forever tainted by appellant’s conduct. Nick is paralyzed an confined to a wheelchair, severely challenged physically and psychologically, with a serious economic impact on his family.
{¶105} In addition, the court noted that appellant never stated his motive for this
merciless rampage. The court noted that, while being interrogated, appellant said he did not know why he shot people. He said it was just something he chose to do. The court stated that, while appellant’s motive was unclear, it appeared he wanted to make a name for himself and to make front page news. Thus, it was no coincidence that on the day of the shootings, appellant boldly and brazenly wore a shirt that displayed across his chest the word “Killer.” The court stated that because appellant attacked without discernible motive or provocation, appellant is “extremely dangerous.”{¶106} Further, the court noted that appellant has shown no remorse, making him more likely to re-offend. In his interview with the detectives, appellant said that after he fired the first few rounds, he regretted it and felt terrible. However, the court noted that he repeatedly shot his gun at students in the cafeteria and in the hall until all rounds in the clip were fired. Further, when he was informed at the Safety Center during his interview that one of his victims had died, he showed no remorse.
{¶107} We also note that appellant’s conduct at sentencing showed a complete
lack of remorse.…
¶109}In summary, the trial court was not bound by a mandatory sentencing
scheme, and considered the factors outlined in Miller in imposing sentence. Moreover, by complying with Miller, the trial court also complied with Long II. Further, we cannot say appellant’s sentence of life in prison without parole is so disproportionate to the crimes he committed as to shock the community’s sense of justice. Although appellant’s sentence is severe, it is not disproportionately so. He shot six students in school, three of whom were killed and another paralyzed, without provocation and in cold blood. The horrific and senseless nature of this homicide is compounded by the fact that, at sentencing, appellant showed no remorse and even contempt for his victims and their families. In addition, appellant’s sentence was within the statutory range for each count of which he was convicted. We therefore hold that appellant’s sentence did not amount to cruel and unusual punishment.
Convicted high school shooter T.J. Lane back in custody after prison escape
T.J. Lane, a remorseless killer who escaped from an Ohio prison where he was serving three life sentences for a school shooting, has been captured.
For six long hours, police scoured neighborhoods on the north end of Lima, Ohio, asking residents to lock their doors and stay inside.
They brought in extra officers and provided patrols to the families of Lane’s victims.
In the end, he was found 100 yards away outside a church, the prison warden said. He didn’t say anything, nor did he put up a fight, authorities said.
Lane was serving consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole for his attack at Chardon High School on February 27, 2012.
School shooter T.J. Lane back in custody
Prison infractions
The Allen Oakwood Correctional Institution houses about 1,600 inmates guarded by 257 security personnel.A Correctional Institution Inspection Committee report in April said the facility was over capacity by 217 inmates. In addition, the number of inmate assaults on staff increased by 60.7% last year, compared with 2012. No escapes were mentioned in the report.In the 18 months he’s been there, Lane was disciplined seven times, according to The Plain Dealer newspaper.The infractions ranged from urinating on a wall to giving himself a tattoo, the paper said.